About the server:
Launch date: 03/03/2023 - at 18:00 LTU time.
Version: Season 6 Episode 3 Part 18
Experience Rate: x5000
Experience Rating ML: 10%
Drop Rate: 30%
Max Level: 400
Max Level ML: 400
Max Stats: 32000
Mu Helper: From 1st level
Guild Creation: 350 level
Max number of players in guild: 20
Max guild alliance count: 3
Elf Helper up to: 25 reset
Max Reset: 500
Max grand reset: 10
Max 3 accounts from one IP
MG-DL-RF available from: Level 1
Site Features:
Character Marketplace.
Upgrade game items - via game chest
Marketplace of Stuff
Achievement System
Web Store
Refunds for items purchased on the webstore
Buy VIP status
Voting System
Hide personal information
Built-in forum
Ticket system contact administration
Russian and English languages support
Game Features:
New maps to season 16.
New sets of things to season 17.
New Wings 2.5 - 3.5 - 4 - 5 - 6 levels.
New crafts to create - new stones, pets, pentagrams, sets, weapons, wings.
New Ancient sets all sets of 5 parts Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots.
New Socket weapon sets and shields.
New Munn system with pets, horses, wolves, birds.
New Ghost Fenrir and Horse of season 15.
New Season 8 Costume Jewelry.
New Season 10 Skill Tree.
New Shields for Season 18
New No PvP Labyrinth map with 49 spots.
New bosses, events - Evomon Evolves, Demons, Eggs, Arca War, Acheron Guardian, Lord Silvester, Core Magriffy, Ferea Crystal Orb, Crystal Stone, God of Water, Bloody Witch Queen Gray, Abyss King Bahamut Boss.
New game panel with sections - Event Time, Ranking, Command, Jewel Bank.
New effects of new items, weapons, wings, bosses.
New Team vs Team, Guild vs Guild, Battle Royale, Championship.
New Mating System.
Golden Archer with the exchange of Life, Creation stones for Goblin poinst currency.
Lucky Coin System
Online Rewards
Support right mouse click to move items.
Five additional chests.
Items of the element system.
Combo for all classes.
Minimap spot display.
Support for Ancient + PvP + Harmony + Excellent options.
Socket items up to 5 options + PvP + Excellent.
Support for pvp options on all things.
Off PvP command /offpvp - The command only works on the maps Lost Tower, Tarkan, Kalima 1-6, Karutan 1-2.
OffExp - AFK system, off-line pumping.
OffHelper - AFK system, pumping offline with item raise.
In-game quest system - 200 quests.
All of the valuable in-game currency WC available for quests and various Event.
VIP system with an increase in the drop ehpy and on cooking items.
A guild chest.
Bonus sets when creating a character.