Witam, dzisiaj o godzinie 20:00 startuje bardzo ciekawy serwer z moim zdaniem najlepszą kroniką w L2 - Interlude, dokładnie http://l2.bnb.gr/ . Chciałbym Was zachęcić do gry, tych starszych graczy i tych, którzy jeszcze nie skosztowali wspaniałego świata Lineage 2. Ja osobiście nie nastawiam się na power gaming jak za starych lat, lecz będę grał sobie na spokojnie spoilem, i o ile mi laptop pozwoli to na boxie będę miał WC. Jeśli jest ktoś chętny do wspólnej gry to serdecznie zapraszam!
Niżej podaje informacje na temat serwera:
Chronicle: Interlude Official Files
Online Expected: 3.000+
Site: http://l2.bnb.gr
Forum: http://l2.bnb.gr/forum
Support: http://l2.bnb.gr/support
Facebook: http://www.fb.com/l2bnb
XP/SP: x8
Spoil chance: x3
Adena amount: x4
Seal stone amount: x3
Drop chance: x4
RB exp/sp: x4
RB Drop chance: x2
Epic drop chance: x1
Quest reward XP/SP: x4
Quest reward adena: x4
Quest item amount: x1
Server Features
3 Client limit per PC
Vote Reward system from the beggining
Antibot system & also antibot policy. Reporter gets 10% from the bots adena !
Castle NPC will be stronger
Clanhall prices will be increased and can be bought only from active clans
The cost of castle consumables is increased
Teleport cost from GKs is increased after 76
Augmentation cost increased
Prist of dawn/dusk prices for consumables increased
Price of registrations to castle attack - increased
Autopickup on/off + exp on/off + other commands providing comfortable gaming
Olympiad Retail. Olympiad start 1st October
Cursed Disabled.
Siege flags bloosted (hp/pdef/mdef)
Frintezza area will be pvp zone
If someone logout inside AQ Spawn zone and doesnt login within 10 minutes, he will be teleported out of town.
1st & 2nd class with adena or donation (100.000 adena, 700.000 adena respectively) + 3rd Class retail for some days
Teleport Rune PI. 150.000 Cost
Max clans per alliance: 6
Clan level up Retail
Retail Subclass
Retail Nobless
Seven Signs & Sieges like retail
Newbie buffer, retail
Secure Anti-DDoS protection @ sites + servers
Modified Respawns for more pvp
Baium: 5 days +- 60min
AntQueen: 32 hours +-60 min
Zaken: 48hours +- 60 min
Antharas: 8 Days +- 60min
Valakas: 11 days +-60min
Frintezza: 56 hours +-60min
Cabrio/Hallate/Kernon/Golkonda/Barakiel/Shadith/Mos/Hekaton/Tayr/Ember/Behemoth/skylancer/meanas anor/ von hellman/ sobekk/ Priest Cloe:12 hours +- 60min (depending on server population, the time may be decreased)
Server Donations
Premium Account +40% XP/SP, +30% Adena
Donation coins tradeable so users can buy them with adena from other users if they want
First class: 100k adena
Second class: 200k adena
3rd Class: retail on the beggining. it may changes with donation coins few days after
Hair Accessories
Premium Account
Weight Limit
Potions (buffs)
Change email
Transfer Char
Unban account
rename char/clan/pet
restored deleted character
change sex
change main class