Temporary cooldown for skill placement
With the update of 21.11.2014 a bunch of changes were made to the matchmaking system:
– Added three restrictions to Competitive Matchmaking:
— If a player does not have a competitive Skill Group, they will not be able to queue in a party with a player having a very high Skill Group
— Accounts are restricted to two Competitive wins per day until they receive their competitive Skill Group
— Unless they are in a party of 5, players will not be able to queue for Competitive Matchmaking if their skill group range is very large
Dla niektórych internety są chyba zbyt skomplikowane (do pana wyżej).
Gratulacje ze uwazasz za brak inteligencji u mnie chociaz pisze tylko tak sobie na forum.
Wytłumacz mi to zdanie bo czytam szósty raz i dalej nie mogę pojąć jego sensu.