Hello, I would like to try and learn a few useful phrases in polish for dota so if you would like can u post a simple phrase for me that I might be able to use thankss
Learning polski
I'm giving mana - Daję manę :D
I'm giving mana*
Rusek znów feeduje - The Russian is feeding again
moja druzyna jest do d*py - my team sucks!
~ AlphaWolf
Good luck,its hard language-powodzenia,to trudny język.
@down Małe niedopatrzenie
good luck*
Siema, nie umiem pisać po polsku. - Hello I can't write Polish.
"Good luck, it's a hard language"
~ Alpha
Difficult to learn trololo
Need help - potrzebuje pomocy
I'm coming - juz ide
my mistake - moj blad
need heal - potrzebuje leczenia
Follow me - chodz za mna
thanks for the responses I will definatly try to make use of them
Here you have some useful stuff. c;
Check only those with "Skrót oznaczający" - its mean
Good luck : D
Hello, I would like to try and learn a few useful phrases in polish for dota so if you would like can u post a simple phrase for me that I might be able to use thankss