Pokenation - in development



PokeNation is a project that started back in 2010, since the beginning that

what we want to create is a new Pokemon Online Game, but not just another one!

We want you to enjoy the real Pokemon gameplay while being able

to fully interact with your friends, building an healthy competition.

PokeNation is being programmed in Java, and since the engine isn't

completely done we can't show much content at this moment.


Engine Programmer/Founder: Xavier

Engine Programmer: Polish Civil

Mapper: Professor Oak

Content Editor: Gameday

Content Editor: ThirteenOranges

Spriter: Ron

Sound Manager/Founder: Mika


Main list of features that will need to be implement in the next months. This doesn't mean that we will open public alpha/beta only when this is finished, nor that we will open when the list is finished.

Note: Most of the next features are relative to these maps: Pallet Town, Route 1 and Viridian City. We are not going further till we have at least most of these features completed. The percentages are just an estimation.

World Data (50%)

  • Maps (Completed 100%)
  • Map connections (Completed 100%)
  • NPC spawns (Completed 100%)
  • NPC scripts(In progress 60%)
  • Object spawns (In progress 50%)
  • Wild encounter spawns (Not started 0%)

Battle System (0%)

  • Battle with NPC Trainers (Not started 0%)
  • Battle with other Players (Not started 0%)
  • Battle with wild Pokemon (Not started 0%)
  • Escaping from battle (Not started 0%)
  • Move support (Not started 0%)
  • Switching support (Not started 0%)

Wild Pokemon System (0%)

  • Walk on tall grass (Not started 0%)
  • Surf on water (Not started 0%)

Sound System (50%)

  • Multi-layer support (Completed 100%)
  • Background musics (In progress 50%)
  • User Interface sound effects (In progress 10%)
  • Volume changer (In progress 10%)

Player/Character Features (?%)

  • Account registration on client (Completed 100%)
  • Multi characters per account (Completed 90%) (Not sure if will be allowed)
  • Login/Logout (Completed 100%)
  • Arrow keys walking (Completed 100%)
  • Mouse walking (Completed 100%)
  • Trade System (Not started 0%)

Pokemon Data (10%)

  • Pokemon data on server (Completed 100%)
  • Pokedex (Completed 95%) (No search button/scroller)
  • EV system (Completed 95%) (Once we start working on battling, we can finish this)
  • IV support (Completed 100%)
  • Move learning (Not started 0%)
  • Nature support (Completed 100%)
  • Evolution support (Not started 0%)
  • PC storing (Not started 0%)

Other Engine Features (?)

  • Cache updating system (Completed 100%)
  • Game loader/updater (Completed 100%)
  • Multi-cursors system (Completed 100%)
  • Interface system (Completed 100%)
  • Chat system (Completed 100%)
  • Chat channels (In progress 50%)
  • Dialog system (Completed 90%)
  • Signpost Message system (Completed 90%) (Current interface is just an ugly placeholder)
  • Move data (Not started 0%)
  • Item Data (Not started 0%)

Website Features (10%)

  • Simple design (Completed 100%) (Template made by -DefaulT, might be changed in the future)
  • Webchat (Completed 70%) (No authentication system for now)
  • Account login (Completed 100%)
  • Account registration (Not started 0%)
  • Highscores (Not started 0%)
  • Public account profile (Not started 0%)
  • Dynamic signature generator (Not started 0%)
  • Forums (Completed 100%) (vBulettin v4)

(7)Videos on our Youtube Channel:

Some videos might be obsolete as updates happen all the time.



Login Screen

Register Screen

Logged in sample

Dialogue example

Unfinished Pokedex interface

Outfit Selection interface

Website Sample

Animated GIFs:

Multi-Cursor System + Click Animation


Party hovering

These old screens may not match the current style/content of the game:

Login screen: http://i.imgur.com/KbamE.png

NPC system: http://i.imgur.com/2movm.png

Ingame chat system: http://i.imgur.com/bKMUU.png

Chatbox: http://i.imgur.com/pHBKH.png

Ingame Simple Screen: http://i.imgur.com/EUSU1.png

Main Interface little update+Start of chat box: http://i.imgur.com/2Ksvr.png

Main Interface (only a concept based on PWO): http://i.imgur.com/XCKZz.png


Original content - Nintendo/Creatures Inc. and GAME FREAK Inc.

ROM editing tools - Everyone who share their ROM editing tools

Map Editor/Tool - Tiled

Thanks for following the project and for supporting us!

Czeeeekam , trolololo :D

Yh, chociaż byś to przetłumaczył...

Temat zmieniony, a strona jak była pusta, tak dalej jest ;<.>

Anyway, wygląda całkiem nieźle, życzę szczęścia.

Yh, chociaż byś to przetłumaczył...Temat zmieniony, a strona jak była pusta, tak dalej jest ;Anyway, wygląda całkiem nieźle, życzę szczęścia.

Sorki ale nie chce mi sie , ale chyba nie jest to lvl hard. :>

Heh pusta bo większość ludzi ma w d*pie coś co jest w trakcie tworzenia i się nie udzielają na forum.

Dopiero po becie będzie multum.

Kiedy to ruszy? W 2013? Mam nadzieje, że nie będzie lagów jak w pokemon world online

Pod choinkę.Nie lagów nie będzie.

Taki mały screen:


tylko czekać aż ktoś zacznię hejtować, a i dla twórców Powodzenia

Podoba mi sie, czekam cierpliwie :) Czyli start rozumiem na swieta tak? Moze jakies testy? Pozdrawiam :)

Testy testy :P Tak myślę że taki nieoficjalne testy prowadzone przeze mnie tylko dla polaków przeprowadzę tak za +/- 3 tygodnie

Dodałem liste wyposażenia gry:

Main list of features that will need to be implement in the next months. This doesn't mean that we will open public alpha/beta only when this is finished, nor that we will open when the list is finished.

Note: Most of the next features are relative to these maps: Pallet Town, Route 1 and Viridian City. We are not going further till we have at least most of these features completed. The percentages are just an estimation.

World Data (30%)

  • Maps (In progress 60%)
  • Map connections (In progress 50%)
  • NPC spawns (In progress 30%)
  • NPC scripts(In progress 20%)
  • Signpost spawns (Not started 0%)
  • Wild encounter spawns (Not started 0%)

Battle System (0%)

  • Battle with NPC Trainers (Not started 0%)
  • Battle with other Players (Not started 0%)
  • Battle with wild Pokemon (Not started 0%)
  • Escaping from battle (Not started 0%)
  • Move support (Not started 0%)
  • Switching support (Not started 0%)

Wild Pokemon System (0%)

  • Walk on tall grass (Not started 0%)
  • Surf on water (Not started 0%)

Sound System (50%)

  • Multi-layer support (Completed 100%)
  • Background musics (In progress 50%)
  • User Interface sound effects (In progress 10%)
  • Volume changer (In progress 10%)

Player/Character Features (?%)

  • Account registration on client (Completed 100%)
  • Multi characters per account (Completed 90%) (Not sure if will be allowed)
  • Login/Logout (In progress 70%)
  • Arrow keys walking (Completed 100%)
  • Mouse walking (Completed 100%)
  • Trade System (Not started 0%)

Pokemon Data (10%)

  • Pokemon data (In progress 70%)
  • Pokedex (Completed 90%) (No search button/scroller)
  • EV support (Not started 0%)
  • IV support (Not started 0%)
  • Move learning (Not started 0%)
  • Nature support (Not started 0%)
  • Evolution support (Not started 0%)
  • PC storing (Not started 0%)

Other Engine Features (?)

  • Cache updating system (Completed 90%)
  • Game loader/updater (Completed 80%)
  • Multi-cursors system (Completed 90%)
  • Interface system (Completed 100%)
  • Chat system (Completed 100%)
  • Chat channels (In progress 50%)
  • Dialog system (Completed 80%)
  • Signpost Message system (Not started 0%)
  • Move data (Not started 0%)
  • Item Data (Not started 0%)

Website Features (10%)

  • Simple design (Completed 100%) (Template made by -DefaulT, might be changed in the future)
  • Webchat (Completed 80%) (No authentication system for now)
  • Account login (Not started 0%)
  • Account registration (Not started 0%)
  • Highscores (Not started 0%)
  • Public account profile (Not started 0%)
  • Dynamic signature generator (Not started 0%)
  • Forums (Completed 100%) (vBulettin v4)

Mały updejcik wizualny :D

Czekam cierpliwie i mam nadzieje,że gra wypali :)

Wygląda świetnie! Pobije na 100% te wszystkie gry o pokemonach które na razie istnieją ;)!

Tylko mam jedno pytanko: jak z płatnościami? Będzie IS? Jak tak, to co w nim powstanie?

No chyba że utrzymywać się chcecie z donacji?

Czekam cierpliwie i mam nadzieje,że gra wypali

Dziękuję :)

Wygląda świetnie! Pobije na 100% te wszystkie gry o pokemonach które na razie istnieją !Tylko mam jedno pytanko: jak z płatnościami? Będzie IS? Jak tak, to co w nim powstanie?No chyba że utrzymywać się chcecie z donacji?

Dzięki :)

Nie do końca rozumiem co oznacza IS.

IS - Item Shop/Cash Shop

Czyli świątynia z której ciągniesz od graczy kasę.

IS - Item Shop. Gracz za prawdziwe pieniądze kupuje specjalną walutę w grze, którą to wymienia na - przykładowo - kryształ niezwykłej mocy i urody. Rzeczony kamyk może on silnym pchnięciem w czółko umieścić w czaszce dowolnie wybranego pokemona. Pupil zostaje co prawda opętany przez demona, ale jedna dusza nie jest chyba zbyt wygórowaną ceną za +666 do wszystkich statystyk, prawda?

Przy czym najistotniejszy jest fakt, że na tę przyjemność trzeba wydać prawdziwe, ciężko zarobione pieniądze.

IS - Item Shop/Cash ShopCzyli świątynia z której ciągniesz od graczy kasę.

Nie is nie ale coś ala membership napewno ;]

Jeszcze dużo pracy przed wami ale życzę powodzienia i myślę, że uda się wam wiele tą gierką osiągnąć.

Jeszcze dużo pracy przed wami ale życzę powodzienia i myślę, że uda się wam wiele tą gierką osiągnąć.

Wiekszość skończona jeśli chodzi o silnik gry, resztą się zajmą content edytorzy.