Szukam starych graczy z gildi Wataha na Nebe . czy ktokowliek z was zastanawial sie nad powrotem do gry gdy Archeage Unchained wystartuje dajcie znac .
Co Wiemy
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Ze streama od wydawcow 30/08/2019 wiemy
•No Headstart for any of the pre-order packs.
•Starts at 6.0 Patch, named “Shadows Revealed”
•This will include swiftblade and all current 6.0 content. There will be no restrictions at launch.
•Will come with the 64 bit client
•Steam will launch at the same time.
•For pricing, check the website, € and $ will be 1:1
•NA and EU servers
•No SA servers planned, ongoing discussion with XL
•Completely separate game on Glyph launcher
•Credits separated between the versions
•Multiple servers per region, aimed at 2 to 4 per region, based on the interest in the coming weeks, keeping in mind the influx of people at the start which dies down afterwards.
•Labor pools separate between regions, but considered a non-issue due to the complete removal of Apex.
•Nothing at all, can be transferred from Legacy. -NOTHING-
•Introductory pass with Basic and Premium rewards
•Not available in store
•Basic rewards containing items like Unidentified Hiram Infusions
•Premium rewards like Gilda Stars
•Once again, -not- available in store
•Bought passes
•Premium rewards such as: UCC shirts, Crest Brainstorms, Dye Tickets, Costumes, etc
•Emphasis on items that are cosmetic in nature
•All items that improve functionality are restricted to the Basic Rewards section (Free rewards)
•Crime points
•Talked about a new mechanic in Shadows Revealed (6.0 for KR) having a mechanic in the prisons to do chores to reduce crime points
•Drought of Forgivness is not currently in AA:U and is not currently planned. Will be evlaulated in the future.
•Every account will be able to place land.
•Housing will NOT be instanced or changed. The housing system will not see any changes.
•Tax Certs will not be sold in the marketplace and can only be crafted, aswell as being untradeable.
•Land will be locked until the first Saturday after launch (4-5 days)
•Trade System
•No change planned for now
•They are listening to, and forwarding all feedback they get
•No labor pots
•No lockboxes (RNG boxes)
•Items will be UCC T-shirts, dye tickets, brain storms (Will be 100% cosmetic)
•Full catalog of costumes for direct sale, with preview
•Furniture: only those without stats
•No labor sleep pajamas, no Building Management Titles, or anything of the sort
•There will be things like Salon Tickets (hair style), Gender Swap Tickets, Crest Brainstorms, Dye Tickets, etc.
•Any type of boost/buff is moved to the Diligence Token Shop
•There will be no costumes with hidden stats.
•No Power Pets (Auto looting or boosts)
•Talks in progress with XL to make -all- cosmetics and such Bind on Pickup
•Diligence Shop
•Earned rewards through play time (think current loyalty reward system)
•“Diligence Tokens” are awarded through the free Archepass.
•Will have Mounts, Gliders, Expansion Scrolls and many other “cash shop” stlye items.
•Mounts and Gliders
•No mounts or gliders in the Marketplace, only Glider Skins.
•Mounts and gliders themselves are moved to the Diligence Token Shop or other systems like crafting with
•Manastorm Crystals
•Alt Accounts
•Lots of talking about the past history and their approach to it
•Talk about the intention with hackshield being to stop multi-clienting
•Only 1 account logged in at a time
•Maximum of 3 accounts per player, will be sanctioned if you go above
•On the topic of having more than one person playing the game in your household: This is one of the reasons they decided for the 3 per person limitation.
•Hiram Gear
•All content of the game will be available like the original version
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